Guaranteed Payments

Payments Collection Guaranteed

Automate your receivables. Get paid stress-free. Save time and cut-off annoying costs.

ZidoPay has helped us increase our turnover, boost operations and profit margins with advanced and guaranteed timely payments.

John O. Distribution & Supply

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Even better for your customers too!

Are you a customer? Do you make recurrent payments like rent, mortgage, subscriptions?

Trusted Globally

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We are building financial stability and predictability for businesses and customers worldwide

Simple & Intuitive

How it works

User stories

What people are saying about us

The best way to showcase our commitment is through the experiences and stories of those who have partnered with us.

ZidoPay has helped us increase our turnover, boost operations and profit margins with advanced and timely payments.
John O.

Business Owner

Our business operations and relationship with our firstline distributors have never been better.
Ashish P.


User-friendly platform simplified our payment processes and we have never missed a payment or had to chase after customers.
Emily A.

Finance Director

Advance Payment

Accelerate Your Business Growth with Advance Payments

Are late payments hindering your business's growth potential? With our advanced payment solutions, you can supercharge your operations and skyrocket your turnover.